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    h4x0rswln is back's Avatar
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    Cabin Fever Fireteam-Weapon Guide

    Okay, There have been a lot of guides and junk popping up on mpgh and other forums about cabin fever, but i haven't seen any about weapons, so i'm making one.

    useful things to have in cabin fever:

    advanced/santa backpack. with 2 slots.

    utility backpack, with 3, very useful.

    heavy vest so you dont die so fast when you get ganged.

    super kukhri/m9 rez mod in case you run out of ammo, you can get away with some knife kills if you do it right.

    claymores, if you're a specialist.

    now, lets start the guide.

    first off:

    machine guns

    Machine guns are very useful in Cabin Fever. without atleast half you're team having MGs you'll lose almost certainly.


    Most people consider Minimi to be a noob MG, it normally does you more harm then good in games such as Elim, or CTF.

    but in cabin fever it's very useful. here are some tips for the minimi.

    it's relatively low recoil, it's good accuracy, and the fact that, with the right control, you can make the recoil more of a side to side motion then up and down, which helps when spraying, are some good qualities of the minimi.

    it's actually surprisingly easy to HS infected while spraying randomly, with a bit of aiming you can pwn. especially when hiding in a window.

    1. back window. rounds 4/8

    This window is a great spot use the minimi, you can get high combos and have a wide field of vision. there are three basic spawn positions of the infected that you can target,

    a. far left, near the river,

    b. far right behind the building,

    c. directly in front of you.

    d.(bonus spot) you can use the small window to your left to target the spawn point on the other side of the river. in order to help the people at the door directly behind the back window (the door near the basement)

    the reason i don't recommend this spot for the minimi for rounds 1-4 is there aren't many infected that spawn there. it's better to wait until they start spawning a lot more to use the back window for spray/pray.

    on average i get about two or three 5 kill combos per magazine of the minimi.

    2. side windows. rounds 1-8

    no screenie :'( i'll upload one later :/

    These windows are between the door near the back window, and the door near the stairs to the second floor.

    all of the windows target the spawn point that leads to the door nearest the stairs. although spray/pray doesn't work so well in this spot, burst shots and aiming leads to a good score.

    average two or three 3 kill combos per mag.

    after about round 8/9(or round 11 when the basement opens) the minimi doesn't do you much good, it has low damage for an MG, so it's best for medium distance, behind cover. but once they get in the house you need a bit more heave duty MGs.


    MK.48 has high, hard to control, recoil. not the best for medium/long distance spray/pray.

    it's best to use the MK.48 for close/medium range burst shots, behind cover, or close range when no cover is available, with spray/pray.

    good positions to use MK.48:

    1. Main Door. (near the stairs to the second floor)1-10(or 1-15 if you have good backup holding down the basement zombies)

    screenies for this, and all other spots will be up in a bit, i just want to finish the guide before going in game.

    with some backup to the windows behind you, one person can generally handle the main door alone.

    it's best to burst shot the far out infected, and all out spray when they start getting close. you can generally go a whole round without running out of ammo, but depending on the backup you have you might run out, it's best to have an AR such as scar-l or a good shotty.

    2. door next to the basement. rounds 1-10

    if you're looking for a good score and high combos this is the place. wait till there's a relatively high amount of zombies near the door, burst shotting a few just to hold them back, once they get close let loose and spray them down.

    generally you can go half a round without running out of ammo with this approach, i recommend having an ar with a scope, such as g36e, auga1, or l85a1 to scope some the infected before they get close, if you run out of ammo.

    3. Basement duty. rounds 10-15, longer if you have good backup on the second floor stairs

    simple really, just burst shot if they're at the bottom, spray if they're near the top. if they stop coming for a bit just nade the suckers.


    this is a great machine gun, good damage, controllable recoil, and the bullet spread is okay.

    1. corner camping. any round when the infected get into the cabin.

    this is the greatest for when they get in the house, find a corner, and spray them down. extended mags help, but aren't essential. aim for the chest, the recoil and spread should get you a fair amount of headshots without all you're bulets going above them.

    i prefer the corner to the right of the back window, on the counter, that way you're slightly above them, and they all come form one realitive direction, this is good for when you're the only one alive, and need to camp out the rest of the round.

    2. any door, any round, as long as you have good backup behind you. so you dont get ninja'd by a zombie and killed from behind.

    just camp at a door, burst shot when they are far, spray when they're close. simple as that.


    this is a great all around MG, with an AK based design it has controllable recoil, low spread, and a fairly good firerate. this is the best one to use with cabin fever.

    it can take the place of a minimi and spray out of the back window,

    it can hold back the zombies near the doors.

    it's easy to get HS at close range with the high accuracy.

    out of all the MGs i suggest this one.

    Assault Rifles

    simply ARs like ak47s and k2s are good. with high firerates and controllable recoil. but advanced ARs such as g36e, or aug, are better.

    scopes are very useful, silencers are relatively useless except to reduce recoil, extended mags are nice, they can be helpful, but aren't essential.

    ARs are great as backups if you're MGs run out of ammo, or if you're just bored and want to pick off some zombies when they spawn without wasting ammo.


    good accuracy, low spread, but hard to control recoil. it's like a double edged sword. useful, if you don't murder yourself with it.

    it's best to have an extended mag with a scope. i recommend use burst shots, but keep the firemode on full auto in case they sneak up on you can you need to spray.

    1. windows, rounds 1-10

    any window will do, just sit back and scope the zombies when they spawn, HS should be relatively easy, it's a good way to provide backup when someone is all out dogging the infected with a machine gun.

    2. OH NO! they got in! ima hide and kill them! any round with good backup on the basement and stairs.

    when the zombies get in, and you're team is sprinting around with pistols trying to kill them (when they have fully loading MGs in their back pack, ←idiots <,<) go to the back room and scope, take out what you can while laughing at you're team's failure.


    with it's medium recoil, medium spread, and built in sniper-focus scope it's an all around gun.

    i recommend an extended mag, but no silencer, use the windows to HS the spawning infected. but dont try to hold back the infected from the doors with a g36e, it wont do anything but get you killed when you have to reload again. <,<

    this also goes for the AUGa1, although you might could get off defended the doors with an AUG,

    it's kind of a high rank AR, but you can get a mod of it with NX, it also has a long distance scope like the g36e, and is great for close range as well.

    it has high damage, understandable and controllable recoil, and the spread is low.

    1. windows again,

    let's face it, any AR is best used with windows, you simply can't do a good job holding of a horde of zombies without a machine gun. thats the end of it.

    if you want use an AR just hang by the windows.


    eveyones favorite type of gun. a shotgun.

    with immense bullet spread, high recoil, low fire rate. a long reload time, and high damage, it's really only good for close range with one or two targets max.

    when you get in a game with 50 zombies all around you, a 6 clip shotty won't do you any good. so just go with ARs anf MGs, but i'll make a guide anyway.

    spas 12

    if you're gonna use a shotty, use a spas, it's a noob weapon, you can get it at recruit. it has fast fire rate, etc.

    use it at the end of the round when you pick off the last few. or when you just want to charge out in the open to see how many infected you can HS before you choke from the toxic gas. /: since using a shotty in cabin fever is pretty much suicide anyway <,<

    double barrel

    use the right click to empty both rounds on a zombie and get high damage, it's good for slow rounds when their aren't many infected. or when there's a zombie about to eat you're reloading teamate, just bring out the double barrel and blow it's heart out.


    dont use them, end of story.

    low power, high recoil and fire rate, quick reload time, they really aren't all great. :P

    if you're gonna use one use an mp7 or UMP, they seem to be the best. extended mags are useful, scopes are GREAT, siliencers are a nono

    Sniper Rifles

    YES! i finally made it to this section of the guide.

    in the first rounds snipers rifles are awesome. quick scope for easy kills. i love it,


    normally, i'd NEVER, EVER, use this gun. but in cabin fever, it freaking pwns!

    not so good for high scores or kills, but if you want headshots, here's your gun,

    with high accuracy, low recoil, good firerate. it's easy to quick scope HSs, and it annoys the heck out of the MG people when they are almost dead and you quick scope a hs and steal their kill. XD

    on average i get five or six 3 kill combos per round, and nearly all of my kills are headshots.


    i tried it, it's good, if you dont like hs and prefer to spray/pray with a sniper then use the sr25, it's great when you want to simply sit back and shoot people randomly.

    with about a 3-4 shot kill on infected it's good to use. but not when trying to actually win with a good score.

    average two or three 2-3 kill combos per round.


    generally 1 hit kill, but i don't know about on npc infected, i haven't tried, but it should be.

    low accuracy, horrible recoil, lots of spread, and quick reload. it's good for people who can't aim and prefer to comensate that with a 1 hit kill.

    personally i think the l9 is for noobs who can't aim, but it's still considered a "pro" sniper.

    you can use it if you want, but frankly i dont care for it.

    EDIT: it's two hit apparently, so just use m24 for hs, those are much easier then shooting two times with an l9.

    and someone said it was pro weapon? you fail. sorry, but people who "can't aim for crap and prefer to compensate for it with 1 hit kill." tend to say their guns are "pro" when really they just can play without good guns.

    Where does this leave us?

    well, what have we learned?

    MGs are essential, ARs are good backup. and snipers are good for hs,

    now, when i go in game i generally have this equipped:

    santa/advanced backpack.

    minimi as main.

    in my backpack:


    m24 OR m60

    heavy vest.

    i recommend you using these in when you go in game

    advanced/santa backpack.(or advanced backup)

    minimi, mk.48(replace with RPK if you are high enough rank to get it), and l96a1(because most people can't get headshots like me, not that i'm pro, it's just that i understand the concept of a crosshair)

    and have a heavy vest of course.(or assault vest, it's good too.)

    hope you guys enjoyed the guide, hope it helped.

    screenies will be up in a bit.

    p.s. if someone posted a weapons guide while i was typing this ima be MAD! i spent alot of time on this guide. you better read it, and you better like it!

    EDIT responses to below posts.:
    @ seth skyler backup

    this wasn't leeched, it was mine,


    take you're mother fucking high post no life ass down to the fucking spam section if you want to fucking post this shit about how you dont like the new mode. dont fucking post in my fucking thread about shit no one fucking gives a mother fucking shit about.

    good day sir.


    thanks for the info, guide updated with an edit.


    rofl epic name

    and no, it's not pro.


    fixed some of the typos, added a few missing details here and there,

    and @luke420, sorry, but you're still a bich.
    Last edited by h4x0rswln is back; 12-25-2009 at 03:56 AM.

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to h4x0rswln is back For This Useful Post:

    Alby-kun (12-24-2009),kennus (12-25-2009),[MPGH]KING (12-24-2009),konnaz (12-24-2009),SethSkyler® Backup (12-24-2009)

  3. #2
    Luke420's Avatar
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    Newfag and cAB fev is a ****** game and it lags ca soo fuck

  4. #3
    h4x0rswln is back's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luke420 View Post
    Newfag and cAB fev is a ****** game and it lags ca soo fuck
    good for you.

    but one thing, this is spam. please dont spam in my thread thank you.

  5. #4
    SethSkyler® Backup's Avatar
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    +1 Thanks
    Nice post pro. I hope this wasn't leeched or anything.
    I trust you though, I thanked you.

  6. #5
    Alby-kun's Avatar
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    LOL, nice guide. Just so you know. L9 is 2 hit kill on a zombie, and 1 hit kill headshot.
    E.M.C.: ♫3@T M0∂Я ¢4TZ♫

  7. #6
    forfreechese's Avatar
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    L9 is pro idk what ur talkin about...

  8. #7
    konnaz's Avatar
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    Very nice post

    Working on the KDR

  9. #8
    Luke420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h4x0rswln is back View Post
    good for you.

    but one thing, this is spam. please dont spam in my thread thank you.
    SMD your a newfag and iam old soo blow me and it is not spam if its ontopic witch i was like allways

    oh look ontopic i think your post is messy on a scale of 1 to 10 i give you 0

  10. #9
    randomnamekabe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luke420 View Post

    SMD your a newfag and iam old soo blow me and it is not spam if its ontopic witch i was like allways

    oh look ontopic i think your post is messy on a scale of 1 to 10 i give you 0
    Well I like it.

  11. #10
    Luke420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SethSkyler View Post

    Well I like it.
    i Dont
    the Game is a fail by game i mean the mode this post fail teh newfag Fail and this is not spam lmao

  12. #11
    Dested's Avatar
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    G36e+ no recoil + headshots only= win extreme!!!!!!!!

    Subscribe + Rate!

  13. #12
    randomnamekabe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dw3fan View Post
    G36e+ no recoil + headshots only= win extreme!!!!!!!!
    Plus no spread.

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to randomnamekabe For This Useful Post:

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  15. #13
    h4x0rswln is back's Avatar
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    i could quote you all, but instead i updated the guide. look at the bottom for responses <,<

    and @luke420

    is that all you have to do with you're life? get a high post count and spam? tsk tsk, well, nice meeting you.

    oh and one more thing. go lose you're virginity you basement-living fuckhead.

  16. #14
    Alby-kun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h4x0rswln is back View Post

    i could quote you all, but instead i updated the guide. look at the bottom for responses <,<

    and @luke420

    is that all you have to do with you're life? get a high post count and spam? tsk tsk, well, nice meeting you.

    oh and one more thing. go lose you're virginity you basement-living fuckhead.
    Epic Flame... >.<
    E.M.C.: ♫3@T M0∂Я ¢4TZ♫

  17. #15
    h4x0rswln is back's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alby-kun View Post
    Epic Flame... >.<
    he started it.......

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