With this you don't get a report screen:
WriteAsm((void*)0x00403744,(PBYTE)"\xEB\x84\x90\x90\x90\x90",6);// On
WriteAsm((void*)0x00403744,(PBYTE)"\x0F\x84\xB9\x01\x00\x00",6);// Off
This makes it jump, so it wont open ErrorReport.exe

You can do it also onother way(easier)
WriteAsm((void*)0x00403720,(PBYTE)"\xC3",1);// On
WriteAsm((void*)0x00403720,(PBYTE)"\x55",1);// Off
This will change push ebp into retn, so you skip the whole open errorreport.exe function

The writeasm function:
void WriteAsm( void* pxAddress, BYTE *code, int size )
unsigned long Protection;
VirtualProtect((void*)pxAddress, size, PAGE_READWRITE, &Protection);
memcpy((void*)pxAddress, (const void*)code, size);
VirtualProtect((void*)pxAddress, size, Protection, 0);
This whole thing is for FIAA windows xp.
Want to find it for FIAA w7 or netgame?
Easy: search in ida :ErrorReport.exe report@Parkesm.co.kr
