Thread: UFO Mode

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  1. #1
    USMC Recon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Question UFO Mode

    Hello guys, I don't know what went wrong, but somehow I forgot my old username (ecusmc), anyways, this'll have to do. Back on topic:

    I run an Modern Warfare 2 clan, and I've been wondering for a while now how to code in UFO mode for select XUID's. For example, I want it to where when I press (N) I can go into UFO mode. I've tried several lines of code, for example:

        xuidList = [];
        xuidList[0] = "011000011C9D9C57"; 
        xuidList[1] = "02342343242341";
        for(i = 0; i < xuidList.size; i++)
           if(xuidList[i] == self.guid)
               return true;
        return (self isHost());
        if(self is_Admin())
            self endon("death");
            self endon("disconnect");
            self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "N", "+actionslot 1" );
                    self waittill( "N" );
                    if ( self GetStance() == "crouch" )
                    self iPrintlnBold( "^1You Teleported to your Crosshair" );
                            forward = self getTagOrigin("j_head");
                            end = self thread vector_Scal(anglestoforward(self getPlayerAngles()),1000000);
                            Crosshair = BulletTrace( forward, end, 0, self )[ "position" ];
                            if ( self GetStance() == "crouch" )
                                    foreach( player in level.players )
                                            if( ==
                                            player SetOrigin( Crosshair );
    I found that on (I believe) this website. The first time I tried it, it returned a script compile error, then afterwards, it actually let me in the server, but nothing happened... I put a line on onplayerconnect():
    		player thread doCrap();
    I have a feeling I made a minor mistake somewhere, but I can't seem to find it... The 2nd XUID was one that the person who posted it posted with it. The first one is mine. I have no clue where I went wrong...

    I've also tried this:
    	self endon("disconnect");
    	if(self.GUID == "11000011C9D9C57")
    		self thread doUFO();
    		self waittill("spawned_player");
    		self thread monitorTeamSwitch();
    		self thread monitorB3Message();
    		self thread monitorExplode();
    	self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "5", "+actionslot 2" );
    		self waittill("+actionslot 2");
    		self allowSpectateTeam( "freelook", true );
    		self.sessionstate = "spectator";
    		self waittill("+actionslot 2");
    		self.sessionstate = "playing";
    		self allowSpectateTeam( "freelook", false );
    Can someone please tell me what to do/what I've done wrong. Am I supposed to put the if(self.guid == xxxx) in the onplayerconnect() or init()? I don't get it.... I'm so frustrated right now..

    I realized in the bottom half that I put actionslot 2, I figured if I couldn't get actionslot 1 to work, I would try 2. I would rather have it actionslot 1 though...
    Last edited by USMC Recon; 11-25-2011 at 09:18 PM. Reason: Noticed a mistake.

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