Karnic MU Season 4

Server box specs
- 100% dedicated
- 4GB Ram
- quad core xeon
- 100mbit upload speed
- 100% NO LAG
- 99.999% UP TIME

Game Info
- 1000x EXP 1500X Weekend EXP
- 60x drops
- Version 1.05k Season 4
- +7+12 shops up to dragon/legendary/spirit etc
- All NPCs in lorencia
- Frequent Events
- Keep stats on reset

Our goal
- Karnic Mu's goal is to provide outstanding Private Server gaming experience with nothing holding the player back from fun. We are happy to say that our servers are so powerful that our users will never
experience a second of lag, and our servers will be up 99.99% of the time.

- We do not want to be one of those servers that have a incredibly high experience and drop rate, and you really have no fun out of the game. We have a fair experience rate of 1000x and a fair droprate of 60x. This is not low, but it is enough to keep you playing for a while without getting bored. There is no blessbug so you will have to find your own zen. The zen rate is not high, so zen should be worth something.
There will be frequent events and were sure that once you play Karnic MU, you'll not want to play any other server out there

Website: https://]www.karnicmu.com
Register: Karnic Mu
Downloads: Karnic Mu
Forums: www.KarnicMU.com • Index page

~ Hope to see you guys in game.