I just purchased both of those books at the bottom, 1 with one day shipping the other with expedited shipping.

Like $66 but I know it's going to be worth it! For the time being, I'm going to suck up as much knowledge on the basics of C++ found in the free tutorials online.

I plan to work for MPGH one day

Wish me luck?

Oh btw I already have a schedule planned out.

I get out of school at 2:30 and am home by 3
I'll study and do HW from
3-6 (6 is dinner time)
after dinner I do chores for about 5 minutes.
7:05-8 more study time
8-10:30 I study C++

Wake up at 8a.m.
Study C++ until noon
Go practice sports for about an hour
11-6 Study C++
7:05-10:30 Study C++

I'm really dedicated.
I'm an honor student so I usually study for 5 hours but one hour less shouldn't cause a detriment in my grades.
I'm entering high school this year so for four years, working like this I should be pretty damn good by the time I go to college.
I won't be studying C++ the whole time though, I'll move on to bigger, better languages and start doing some real game hacking probably half way.