Help me and you get Repped + thanked
Okay, I need to finish this list
I've been making love with this list for almost 12 hours.
I need to get 100 words that are correspondent with the prefix/root word my English 11 Honors teacher gave me.
Almost done, but i'm stuck and all of my current resources have failed me
I'm using a Dictionary extension for chrome, and 4 different sites. 3 for root words. and 1 for an advance word list search.....

I need:
2 words that contain 'enn' and are relative to YEAR
I have:
Biennial - Taking place every other year
Perennial - A plant that lives longer than 2 years
Millennium - 1,000 Years
Give me 2 more please

5 words that contain 'ali' and mean: another
[enter joke about the minion Ali, here]
and like... yea i need 5 of those then im done
Help me and you get Repped and Thanked