I have an uncontrollable urge. It sits deep within my underpants, which in turn sit deep within my trousers. its impossible to resist this urge, so i will just have to live with it. It usually comes up when i sit cross-legged in a darkened lounge, eyes fixed on the fireplace.

I eventually deemed it being on the verge of being too late to get ready and left the laptop a while whilst i jumped in the shower for a quick but thorough swill. A shower during which a tough decision had to be made. To wank or not to wank. Would i risk going out on a loaded weapon or would i risk being late by unloading weapon.
I get a feeling this maybe wrong but i am not sure if this is wrong so i would if i know this is wrong should i be doing the wrong? the question is to wank or not to wank as i feel
that if i wank today i may regret it tomorrow

Is it a sin to wank or is it fun not a person in the world that knows and if there is one he is none other than the masters of masters the 'WACKAHOMA" ,
There are many expert wankers in this wonderful community [MPGH] i would like to know how they feel about it

Do they think its a sin to wank or do they think its fun that is the question answer it if you can ,

The person to answer it correctly is "THE ONE",
And "THE ONE" will be hereby called as WAKAHOMA Master of wanking.

And i'm pretty sure the master can tell me why my dick is being such a HUGE prick? It's just all silent down there and that's not really helping me out.
O master of wacks Father of dicks,
Shine upon me,
Give me Freedom,
Give me chicks (to fuck),
But i'm still confused,
Shall i do it,
or shouldnt I.