Q = I can edit my name online in gtav?
Ps4 = ID (random, no Editable)
Q = How to use the ACC on my console?
PS4 Configuration in console =

1-Your PSN where you have access plus = Activate as PRIMARY.
2- Create new user in your console using the delivered PSN.
* Between configuration options = NOT ACTIVATE PRIMARY.
3- Restart console so the changes take effect.
4- Start GtaV, complete the prologue single player.
5- Just go online normally.
6- Enjoy !
Q = Is there a risk of ban or resetting characters?
A = All ACCs were obviously transferred before March 6th, they surpassed all the banwaves and updates to date. For that reason the risk is really minimal.
General recommendations =
1-Do not speak about or mention these services in-game or though Social Club..
2-Special "outfit" custom clothes use in Friends session.
a) I AM NOT Selling copies of the game, Do not add me requiring a copy of the game. This is for modded characters only !
b) I will not take amy responsibility for any third party bans (Steam,Sony or Xbox Live) If an account is banned from modding, it will be GTA Online banned only.
c)You are not receiving a physical item, you will receive a digital service.
d)This service is non-refundable