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    AtoZ's Avatar
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    something is wrong with my cat?

    Warning: Apparently I need to give a warning. Please, PLEASE leave this thread NOW if you do not like reading about 'animal abuse' and/or graphic content. Sorry guys i have no idea why the admin told me to do this.

    Well usually i like trimming my cat's claws. I seriously got tired of it, so I took one of these tools or similar.

    and then i held the cat down by tying his 4 legs to the post, and just used the thing, placed it on the base of the claw, and pulled hard. At first, my cat went just INSANE! it was like scrambling, so I just held his paw down, and i tugged super super hard. it was like trying to pull out a baby tooth that isn't ready. i pulled REALLY hard, and it popped out with a little tiny bit of meat on it...but my cat didn't yell after, it just kinda stopped moving and it stopped yelling. i think it fainted. i did this for all the claws, and it was really bloody and NASTY!!!!!! after wards, my kitty woke up and it wouldn't move for the longest time. 2 days ago (i pulled out claws like 2 weeks ago) it started moving again, but meowed really weird whenever it took a i looked at his claws and it was like green and puffy things where the claws used to be. my cat isnt eating and he is starting to move really slowly...i think hes being a stupid lazy idiot. today i took a nail and hammered it into one of the puffy green parts of where one of his claws used to be. the lazy thing didnt even react, he just fainted again. what the heck is wrong with my cat?
    Last edited by AtoZ; 11-23-2013 at 03:06 PM.

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